Australia is home to THE most lethal creatures on the planet!
Now being from Africa, you would think that I've already been exposed to dangerous creatures, lions, snakes, and such. But before I moved to the states, the most dangerous creature I had ever encountered was an angry dog that hadn't been fed for days.
Here are just a few of these deadly Australian creatures:
1. The two MOST poisonous snakes on EARTH, are natives of Australia: the inland Taipan, and the eastern brown snake.
According to the documentary,( and wikipedia of course) the Taipan has the most toxic venom of any snake on land. Though no fatalities have been recorded, but that doesn't mean it will never happen!

Not to mention that the most poisonous Sea snake in the world also lives in... guess where?
Unlike the others, this doesn't bite, neither does it sting. You don't even have to eat it to get the full effects of its wrath (doesn't really look appetizing anyway). With this, you only have to step on it for it to inject neuro-toxins into your body. Its toxins aren't usually fatal, rather, the person suffers an excruciating pain that lasts for hours , for which there is no medication. And seeing as how this fish disguises itself as a stone, I'd say its fairly easy to step on it. Needless to say, I won't be taking any long, barefoot walks on the beach.
3. While we are on the topic of sea creatures; the MOST deadly jellyfish
Jellyfish stings hurt, but that of the box jellyfish is a whole 'nother level. One tentacle on this thing contains thousands of stingers, and each stinger injects a drop of poison into the victim's body. It's venom attacks the nervous and cardiac system and causes severe pain. These jellyfish can be found along the coasts of the Northern territory and Queensland (seriously, why Queensland?!?!) Luckily, the stingers can be disabled with acetic acid. Note to self:
4. For the arachnophobes out there, introducing...the funnel web spider
Oz is home to 22 species of venomous spiders. These live both indoors and outdoors, which means these spiders could be, literally, anywhere. In your laundry basket, underwear drawer, cupoard. The funnel-web particularly likes to chill in people's shoes. So you put on your shoes one morning to go to work, and a searing pain immediately shoots through your body. hmm...pain seems to be the weapon of choice among aussie creatures.
5. And of course, Australia wouldn't be Australia without crocodiles.